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Sneak Peek inside a Translation Company

Executive Linguist Agency has developed strong relationships with our translation clients over the last 46 years providing Spanish translations, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and any other language translation imaginable . We have long standing relationships with our network of translators as well, which allows us to offer accurate human (not machine) translations with fast turnaround times of 1,000-2,000 words per day, for Spanish translations.   Free quotes available for all language services but please provide documents for review.


Here are just a few of the types of clients we service and the types of translation services we provide for them:


Spanish translations for insurance clients, we often translate template claimant notification letters such as notices for upcoming appointments, benefits explanations, depositions and similar.

Research & Medical

For medical research such as UCI, the University of Michigan, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine,  University of Leeds and  Tulane University, we often translate Informed Consents from English to Spanish, which are documents that inform patients of experimental treatment plans and procedures. These medical or research-related clients are often cancer centers, departments of surgery, departments of emergency medicine, pediatrics, and so on where critical research is being done.


For academic clients, we often translate newsletters into several languages such as Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, and others.

Food Service

For food service clients, which include restaurant franchises and food manufacturers, we often translate employee manuals, safety posters, health insurance coverage manuals, workplace procedures, surveys, workers’ compensation letters explaining benefits, and any other types of forms that need to be translated into another language – often English to Spanish.


For entertainment clients, we often translate studio clearances material so that entertainment studios know what the text says on various documents and items that need to be included in projects.


In addition to working directly with the various types of companies and organizations mentioned above, we also partner with HR companies and similar as a subcontractor to provide translation services on behalf of them.  English to Spanish being the most common language pairs.

Free Language Service Estimate

For further assistance, please call 1-800-522-2320

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